Faculty Advisors

Program Advisor Email Office Phone
Academic Studies Alsibaa, Leah A. trahanla@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 131 (409) 984-6332
Academic Studies Barbay, Carol M. barbacm@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 110 (409) 984-6311
Academic Studies Cammack, James E. cammackje@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 405 (409) 984-6386
Academic Studies Dr. Jordan, Percy J. Jr jordanpj@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 412 (409) 984-6335
Academic Studies Dr. Judice, Michelle W. judicemw@lcsgxgy.com Student Success Center, Office 129 (409) 984-6352
Academic Studies Dr. Longlet, Nancy J. longletn@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 108 (409) 984-6324
Academic Studies James, Caitlin R. jamescr1@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 416 (409) 984-6415
Academic Studies Lowe, Zebulon C. lowezc@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 418 (409) 984-6550
Academic Studies Wilbur, Christina A. wilburca@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 414 (409) 984-6394
Academic Studies Hay, Paul A. haypa@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 418 (409) 984-6549
Accounting Buckner, Kellie bucknerkc@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201F (409) 656-6433
Accounting Assistant Buckner, Kellie bucknerkc@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201F (409) 656-6433
Administrative Assistant Champagne, Adriane M. champagneam@lcsgxgy.com Student Success Center, Office 130 (409) 984-6416
Audio Engineering Richardson, Carl C. richardsoncc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 138 (409) 984-6353
Audio Engineering Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Audiovisual Production Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Audiovisual Production Richardson, Carl C. richardsoncc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 138 (409) 984-6353
Business Administration Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Office 201A 409-984-6418
Business Office Management Champagne, Adriane M. champagneam@lcsgxgy.com Student Success Center, Office 130 (409) 984-6416
Commercial Music Performance Richardson, Carl C. richardsoncc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 138 (409) 984-6353
Commercial Music Performance Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Computer Programmer Medhekar, Sarita V. medhekarsv@lcsgxgy.com Madison Monroe Education Building, Office 114 (409) 984-6390
Cosmetology Operator Smith, Amanda J. smitham@lcsgxgy.com Cosmetology Building, Office 116 (409) 984-6402
Cosmetology Operator Solis, Rikki manninorl@lcsgxgy.com Cosemtology Building, Office 117 (409) 984-6409
Criminal Justice Alsibaa, Leah A. trahanla@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 131 (409) 984-6332
Criminal Justice Barbay, Carol M. barbacm@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 110 (409) 984-6311
Criminal Justice Cammack, James E. cammackje@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 405 (409) 984-6386
Criminal Justice Wilbur, Christina A. wilburca@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 414 (409) 984-6394
Criminal Justice Dr. Longlet, Nancy J. longletn@lcsgxgy.com Educational I Building, Office 108 (409) 984-6324
Criminal Justice Lowe, Zebulon C. lowezc@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 418 (409) 984-6550
Criminal Justice Dr. Judice, Michelle W. judicemw@lcsgxgy.com Student Success Center, Office 129 (409) 984-6352
Criminal Justice James, Caitlin R. jamescr1@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 416 (409) 984-6415
Criminal Justice Dr. Jordan, Percy J. Jr jordanpj@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 412 (409) 984-6335
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Watson, Michelle watsonma@lcsgxgy.com Press Building, Office 106C (409) 681-4311
Culinary Arts Foundation Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Culinary Arts Foundation Watson, Michelle watsonma@lcsgxgy.com Press Building, Office 106C (409) 681-4311
Culinary Arts Specialist Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Culinary Arts Specialist Watson, Michelle watsonma@lcsgxgy.com Press Building, Office 106C (409) 681-4311
Drafting Technology Campbell, Brent campbellba1@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201F (409) 984-6507
Drafting Technology Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Drama Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Graphic Design Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Graphic Design Abelman, Maurice J. abelmanm@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 140 (409) 984-6389
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Brown, Cade browncm3@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201G (409) 984-6436
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Chaddick, Morgan D. chaddickmd@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201G (409) 984-6484
Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Instrumentation Technology Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Instrumentation Technology Bohn, George W bohngw@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201C (409) 984-6391
Legal Studies (Paralegal) Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Legal Studies (Paralegal) Decuir, Tieranny decuirts@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Room 415 (409) 984-6548
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Manufacturing Bohn, George W. bohngw@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201C (409) 984-6391
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Manufacturing Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6381
Medical Coding Specialist Harbert, Tonya J. keithtj@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201H (409) 984-6501
Medical Office Administration Harbert, Tonya J. keithtj@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201H (409) 984-6501
Medical Office Assistant Harbert, Tonya J. keithtj@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201H (409) 984-6501
Music Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Music Richardson, Carl C. richardsoncc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 138 (409) 984-6353
Nurse Aide Davis, Eursula H. davise1@lcsgxgy.com Education II Building, Office 109 (409) 984-6364
Nurse Aide Allen, Shalanda R. allensr@lcsgxgy.com Educational II Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6363
Nurse Aide Perry, Mary L. akersml@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107 III (409) 984-6370
Nurse Aide Rangel, Yecenia M. munguiavargasy@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-4 (409) 984-6375
Nurse Aide Gott, Joanna R. gottja@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6357
Nurse Aide Holmes, Lois L. holmesll@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 112 (409) 984-6359
Nurse Aide Smith, Melissa J. smithm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107 IV (409) 984-6339
Nurse Aide Reyes, Andrea M. reyesam1@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6382
Nurse Aide Baker, Laura bakerla@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-1 (409) 984-6375
Nurse Aide Breaux, Heather breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Nurse Aide Chargois, Christina barkercl@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office107-4 (409) 984-6360
Nurse Aide Hanson, Jeannine hansonjm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-3 (409) 984-6359
Nurse Aide Quintero, Carlos quinterocj@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 107-1 (409) 984-6356
Nurse Aide Ramsey, Brenda  ramseybk@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-2 (409) 984-6369
Pharmacy Technician Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Pharmacy Technician Thornton-Wyckoff, Toy L. thorntontn@lcsgxgy.com Educational II Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6437
Pre-LVN Rangel, Yecenia M. munguiavargasy@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-4 (409) 984-6375
Pre-LVN Perry, Mary L. akersml@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107 III (409) 984-6370
Pre-LVN Reyes, Andrea M. reyesam1@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6382
Pre-LVN Holmes, Lois L. holmesll@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 112 (409) 984-6359
Pre-LVN Gott, Joanna R. gottja@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6357
Pre-LVN Davis, Eursula H. davise1@lcsgxgy.com Education II Building, Office 109 (409) 984-6364
Pre-LVN Allen, Shalanda R. allensr@lcsgxgy.com Educational II Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6363
Pre-LVN Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Pre-LVN Hanson, Jeannine  hansonjm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-3 (409) 984-6359
Pre-LVN Quintero, Carlos quinterocj@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 107-1 (409) 984-6356
Pre-LVN Ramsey, Brenda  ramseybk@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-2 (409) 984-6369
Pre-LVN Smith, Melissa J. smithm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 114 (409) 984-6339
Pre-Surgical Technology Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Pre-Surgical Technology Hare, Truman  hareft@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 125 (409) 984-6367
Pre-Surgical Technology Hunter, Donnis  hunterdt@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 125 (409) 984-6367
Process Technology Powell, James L. powellj@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201D (409) 984-6344
Process Technology Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6418
Process Technology Bohn, George W. bohngw@lcsgxgy.com Umphrey Industrial Technology Center, Office 201C (409) 984-6391
Software Developer/Game Design Medhekar, Sarita V. medhekarsv@lcsgxgy.com Madison Monroe Education Building, Office 114 (409) 984-6390
Software Developer/Game Design Crutchfield, Diana morenodl@lcsgxgy.com UITC, Room 201A (409) 984-6418
Studio Art Wilbur, Mary Catherine wilburmc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 140 (409) 984-6421
Substance Abuse Counseling Arrington, Kimberly D. arringtonkd@lcsgxgy.com Student Center, Office 408 (409) 984-6307
Substance Abuse Counseling Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Surgical Technology Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Surgical Technology Hare, Truman  hareft@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 125 (409) 984-6367
Surgical Technology Hunter, Donnis  hunterdt@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 125 (409) 984-6367
Teaching: Art, EC-12 Wilbur, Mary Catherine wilburmc@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 155 (409) 984-6331
Teaching: Theater Arts, EC-12 Dr. Canedo Gonzalez, Blas canedoba@lcsgxgy.com Sam and Linda Monroe Performing Arts Center, Office 144 (409) 984-6547
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Ratcliff, Lauren E. ratcliffle@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 124 (409) 984-6334
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Hare, Diane L. haredl@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 127 (409) 984-6358
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing James, Melanie C. jamesmc1@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 116 (409) 984-6374
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Ford Arceneaux, Cynthia E. arceneauxce@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 126 (409) 984-6361
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Reyes, Andrea M. reyesam1@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 123 (409) 984-6368
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Ross, Margaret  rossmk@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 124 (409) 984-6382
Upward Mobility LVN to ADN Nursing Smith, Sarah  grohnsc@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6362
Vocational Nursing Davis, Eursula H. davise1@lcsgxgy.com Education II Building, Office 109 (409) 984-6364
Vocational Nursing Gott, Joanna R. gottja@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6357
Vocational Nursing Holmes, Lois L. holmesll@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 112 (409) 984-6359
Vocational Nursing Smith, Melissa J. smithm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107 IV (409) 984-6339
Vocational Nursing Reyes, Andrea M. reyesam1@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 111 (409) 984-6382
Vocational Nursing Rangel, Yecenia M. munguiavargasy@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-4 (409) 984-6375
Vocational Nursing Perry, Mary L. akersml@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107 III (409) 984-6370
Vocational Nursing Breaux, Heather  breauxhr1@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 102 (409) 984-6373
Vocational Nursing Hanson, Jeannine  hansonjm@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-3 (409) 984-6359
Vocational Nursing Quintero, Carlos quinterocj@lcsgxgy.com  Allied Health Building, Office 107-1 (409) 984-6356
Vocational Nursing Ramsey, Brenda  ramseybk@lcsgxgy.com Allied Health Building, Office 107-2 (409) 984-6369